Slipped Disc? Surgery Is NOT The Answer For 90% Of People, Says New Study

A herniated disc is also referred to as a slipped disc or ruptured disc and can occur anywhere in the spine. Most often, it occurs in the cervical spine (neck) or lumbar spine (lower back), typically causing “a pinched nerve.” If you are experiencing pain or numbness in the neck, arm, lower back, or leg, you could be suffering from a herniated disc.
Researchers decided to test 24 consecutive patients with cervical disc herniation. All the patients were diagnosed via MRI to have disc herniation greater than 4mm. All complained of arm pain and “the majority had neurological deficits,” which means there was serious nerve impingement.

The results from the study were interesting: 22 of the 24 did not undergo surgery and had good or excellent outcomes after conservative treatment. Scientific evidence established beyond doubt that herniated discs when treated precisely and in a non-invasive manner will never need surgery 90 percent of the time. In light of these discoveries the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons now recommends that you wait at least three to six months before deciding to have surgery unless there is a progressive neurological deterioration.

Anshuman Chauhan was suffering from back pain for last ten years. He had stiffness and pain in his back which completely restricted his upper body movement. Over a period of time the pain got worse and he was detected with a slipped disc (Disc Bulge at L5-S1 with Sciatica), Lumbarisation and C3-C7 Osteophytes.

He underwent a specialized Spine function test (DSA) at Qi Spine Clinic; a renowned spine specialist in India that revealed what no MRI or X-Ray had shown him so far. It highlighted the lack of muscular (mechanical) strength in his spine.

The root cause in over 90% of disc related disorders are muscular in nature. When the complex load bearing structure of muscle- does not take the load adequately, problems start occurring. Muscles support the bones and disc’s and must take over 70% of the load on the body. When these are weak and stiff then bones and discs will get affected. The DSA allows the doctors at Qi Spine Clinic to precisely diagnose which muscles are affected. With the help of advanced technology they isolated the muscles that needed strengthening and customized a non-invasive treatment program for that area.

Anshuman is pain free today. A few weeks of this treatment process has helped reverse his condition. He no longer suffers from stiffness in his back.

A team of researchers at the Qi Spine Research Academy have been developing this precise methodology for Back Pain Treatment for 7 years now and have successfully treated over 15,000 patients. “We see over 500 slipped disc patients every month across Mumbai, Delhi & Pune and know without doubt that over 90% of these patients will never need surgery,” says Dr.  Garima Anandani, (P.T.) Chief Spine Specialist, Qi Spine Clinic.

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